Electronics / Electr. Engineering


Electronics / Electr. Engineering
3-channel measurement

combined force/displacement or torque monitoring with electrical monitoring

Automatic mechanical haptics test

on high-quality control elements

Differential measurement of geometric values

in production and the laboratory

Electrical testing of stators

for electric motors

Force measurements on charging sockets

for e-mobility

Force/torque controlled handling

in current series production

Motor testing

fast dynamic response, low torque, reliable measurement

PRESS-FIT High-current contacts

pressed in safely

Recording of cooling curve on motors

or transformers

Testing for flatness

on a workpiece

Testing motor starters

Testing switches

on relays

Testing the operation

of electric-bike drives

Torque measurements

on an industrial fan

Torque measurements

in an innovative technique for efficient energy generation

Torque measurements

using a dual-range sensor in a test setup

Torque monitoring

for screw connections in titanium dental implants

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